Well it’s hard to measure almost, cause almost doesn’t measure
Our deep fears aboutWhere we are going in lifeKeep us from going anywhere in life.They create a windowThat we sit behind as we watchLife pass by, daydreaming aboutHappiness,Envisioning the person thatWe wanted to be,The business we wanted to build,The relationship we deserve andSo on.But guess what?The life that you are observing,The one that you want,Is the one that you are meantTo live.It is not a figment of your imagination,It is real,And it is right there in front of you.All you have to do is unlockThe window of your fears.How do you do that?You stop focusing out,And start looking within.You invest in yourself, andFocus on setting your intentions.Reflecting on why those fearsAre present, and how you canUse them as a tool for success.As you continue to do theInternal work,Abundance will begin to flowInto your life,And at one point, you will lookTo the window of your fears,The one you used to sit by watchingLife pass by,To find that the window isNo longer there.You are no longer a spectatorTo life,You are living it!