Anger is an emotion that can beSo intense it blocks us from seeing clearly.It overwhelms us and fills our spaceWith negative energy, but we haveThe power to change that.We can choose to perceiveThis emotion as one thatIs here to help us instead ofHurt us.
The energy that emotions create,Are the fuel to our soul, andThey ignite the flame thatBurns within us, transforming angerInto passion and purpose,We just have to light thatInternal spark that willGive our emotions the spaceTo work for us and not against us.
If anger sits in your mindsetAs a stagnant fuel,It becomes toxic.Anger left over to festerIn your soul will push you awayFrom life and humanity.It will block you from invitingPeople into your life.When anger is in controlIt prevents us from manifestingAll that it is we desire.
A change in perspectiveIs required to regain controlOf your mindset.Allow those intense emotions,Anger and sadness, toOpen you up to people, andOpportunities.Rather than feeling as thoughThe world is against you,Be vulnerable,And be receptiveTo your fellow humans.
Always remember,Negativity is a limiter.If you believe that it isToo hard to transformAnger into passion,Then you limit yourself.Instead, perceive this emotionIn a different light,Embrace its presence,And understand that this emotionIs here to serve you.
I love you,And remember,You absolutely can have it all,Regan X