It’s a battle we fight withourselves.Going back and forth withThe ‘What if…’’I want to leave my job, but what if…’’I would love to live _ someday,but that’s unrealistic.’
The question is,what if you don’t leave your job?You will continue to be unhappy,You will continue daydreamingAbout the life you want,Instead of living it.
The person you see living their dreamIs no better than you,They just chose to go for it.This is the only differenceBetween you and that personYou admire and aspire to be.
Unless the place you want toLive suddenly disappears,Then it is realistic for you toMake the move.People do it every single day.
The real ‘what if’That you should be thinking about,Is what if I believed I could actuallyAccomplish this because I am capableOf doing so.
Unhappiness does not have to be a norm,But we treat it like it is.We were not born to live anUnhappy life.
The result of believing in ourselvesAnd believing in our dreams isHappiness.
No more ‘what if’s,’Instead, replace it with statementsLike,
‘I want to live my dream life,So that is exactly what I am going to do.’